Late Breaks - WebCT

WebCT has announced the Institute Program for colleges and universities who are leading the way in distance education. The Institutes will serve as campus-based regional outreach centers to meet the growing demand for faculty training on the use of the powerful WebCT course tools. All WebCT Institutes share a commitment to creating exceptional Web-based or Web-enhanced instruction, and must have proven track records in hosting WebCT courses, providing faculty development and support and conducting research to advance Web instruction. Also necessary is a desire to offers services to their surrounding communities. Check out to find out more.WebCT has announced the Institute Program for colleges and universities who are leading the way in distance education. The Institutes will serve as campus-based regional outreach centers to meet the growing demand for faculty training on the use of the powerful WebCT course tools. All WebCT Institutes share a commitment to creating exceptional Web-based or Web-enhanced instruction, and must have proven track records in hosting WebCT courses, providing faculty development and support and conducting research to advance Web instruction. Also necessary is a desire to offers services to their surrounding communities. Check out to find out more.WebCT has announced the Institute Program for colleges and universities who are leading the way in distance education. The Institutes will serve as campus-based regional outreach centers to meet the growing demand for faculty training on the use of the powerful WebCT course tools. All WebCT Institutes share a commitment to creating exceptional Web-based or Web-enhanced instruction, and must have proven track records in hosting WebCT courses, providing faculty development and support and conducting research to advance Web instruction. Also necessary is a desire to offers services to their surrounding communities. Check out to find out more.
