Teachers of Tomorrow Launches Resources to Help Battle the Growing Teacher Shortage
Teachers of Tomorrow, an online and in-person teacher certification program, has launched resources designed to help education leaders battle the growing teacher shortage.
The first resource is an infographic with teacher shortage data from around the country, including insights from 15 education leaders and their suggestions on how to combat the growing shortage. The infographic can be found below and on this site.
The next resources will provide specific ways on becoming a teacher today. With an eye on the highest-need areas, the organization will also launch information on how to become a math teacher and how to become a special education teacher. Almost all schools have needs in these subject areas.
Teachers of Tomorrow’s website has already seen significant traffic by those looking to enter the teaching profession and those who want to help ensure schools get the talent they need, according to a news release.
The organization has worked diligently to solve the teacher shortage by recruiting, training, certifying and working with districts to hire more than 7,000 teachers in 2016. The program was recently approved in Florida and Nevada and has applications pending in states with the greatest needs.
Over the last 11 years, Teachers of Tomorrow has certified more than 42,000 new teachers, and in 2016 the company trained and certified an estimated 7,000 teachers who started working in schools across the country, TOT said in its release. In addition to Florida and Nevada, Teachers of Tomorrow is an approved teacher certification provider in Texas, and provides preparation content in Utah.

Graphic courtesy of Teachersoftomorrow.org and Teachers of Tomorrow.
About the Author
Richard Chang is associate editor of THE Journal. He can be reached at [email protected].