6 South Carolina High Schools Will Launch Aerospace Curriculum This Fall

A group of South Carolina companies called SC Aerospace, supported by the South Carolina Council on Competitiveness and the South Carolina Department of Commerce, are introducing an aerospace curriculum in six high schools.

This fall, each of the following schools will receive $50,000 from the South Carolina Department of Education to cover course costs:

Aerospace Engineering” was developed by the Southern Region Education Board, which works with 16 member states to improve K–12 public education at every level. The curriculum is being used in Ohio, North Carolina, Delaware, West Virginia and Alabama.

One key feature of curriculum is project-based learning, with each course designed around “essential questions, project descriptions, authentic roles and tasks that require students to utilize an industry-recognized decision-making process,” according to a curriculum overview. The courses offer blended learning experiences for all students to “apply their academic and technical skills to real-world projects in ways that advance their literacy, math, science and technical knowledge and skills.”

The first round of South Carolina high school students will graduate in 2019, according to the announcement.

View more information on the curriculum here.

About the Author

Sri Ravipati is Web producer for THE Journal and Campus Technology. She can be reached at [email protected].
