Schoology Launches Digital Citizenship Challenge

Ed tech provider Schoology has launched the Global Digital Citizenship Challenge in an effort to rally teachers around the idea of digital citizenship.

The challenge, running Feb. 14 to March 14, asks teachers to submit a resource they believe will help to improve digital citizenship among students. Resources may include courses, games, service learning projects, a checklist, infographics, an essay, lesson plans, learning tools, classroom posters, activities, handouts and more. Teachers can also browse submissions and commit to implementing them in their own districts.

A winner will be selected by a panel of judges and announced April 16. Top prize will be two tickets to Schoology's annual user conference in San Diego, CA this July and a seat on the Schoology digital citizenship council. The teachers who finish in second through fifth place will also win seats on the Schoology digital citizenship council. The full council will be unveiled later this year, with the goal of advancing digital citizenship through continued activities and support for legislation.

"Schoology is aware of the benefits that educational technology brings to the learning experience. We also want to give educators the resources they need to promote responsible use of technology and digital media platforms. The best people to come up with and share creative and effective ways to teach and promote digital citizenship are educators themselves," said Schoology CEO Jeremy Friedman, in a prepared statement. "Schoology's community of users know that digital citizenship goes beyond warning students about the repercussions of poor behavior online or the negative effects of cyberbullying, and our hope is that this challenge will resonate far beyond our community to reach classrooms everywhere. We look forward to showcasing stories from educators who are using technology to encourage students to show leadership skills online and to set a positive example for their community regardless of location, district size, or demographics."

For more information, to enter the challenge or to browse and commit to implementing resources, visit

About the Author

Joshua Bolkan is contributing editor for Campus Technology, THE Journal and STEAM Universe. He can be reached at [email protected].
