Lecture Capture

Kaltura Intros Simple Personal Video Capture Program

Lecture capture and media management company Kaltura has announced a simple-to-use personal video capture product. Kaltura Personal Capture lets users record both screen and camera in one click. The idea behind the program is to "open the floodgates" to content creation.

The program includes several features to simplify video capture operation:

  • Automatic slide detection. If the user puts a PowerPoint presentation in presenter mode when recording the screen, the new software automatically detects and captures it as a new "chapter" to make the video more searchable;
  • Metadata is also grabbed from slides and audio to make that searchable as well;
  • The ability to do screen-only, camera-only and screen-and-camera recording, as well as partial or full-screen capture; and
  • As new videos are created, they're uploaded to the user's My Media folder, the organization's learning and content management systems and any other Kaltura integrations.

Among the use cases cited for schools: applying the program for video assignments, assessments, feedback, demonstrations, course content creation, blog posts, administration communications and alumni outreach.

Kaltura's new Personal Capture provides a simple interface for creating video presentations.

Kaltura's new Personal Capture provides a simple interface for creating video presentations.

"After receiving feedback from thousands of users around the world, we're delighted to empower them to create engaging visual video content at the click of a button," said Michal Tsur, Kaltura's co-founder and president, in a press release. "Personal Capture allows to easily create visual walk-throughs and video presentations, opening the floodgates of video content creation and consumption across an organization. This is particularly of value for teaching and learning, training, product demonstrations, proposal walkthroughs and more."

About the Author

Dian Schaffhauser is a former senior contributing editor for 1105 Media's education publications THE Journal, Campus Technology and Spaces4Learning.
