Kahoot Launches Learning Content Academy

Education technology company Kahoot! has launched a website where teachers can find and share learning content. According to the company, the Kahoot Academy will serve as a "knowledge platform, community and marketplace" for educators. Kahoot produces a quiz-based learning platform used in the classroom. The announcement came during a recent virtual conference hosted by the company.

Those who post their materials in the marketplace for sale keep all of the proceeds; Kahoot said it would charge no sales commission. However, teachers who choose to apply to become "verified educators" with the right to publish materials on the site need to subscribe to Kahoot's premium service, which starts at $9 per month per user.

Those who come to the resource repository in search of learning resources and community pay nothing. However, registration is required.

Content publishers are also being invited to participate through "premium partnerships." Currently, the organizations that have agreed to use the marketplace include the American Museum of Natural History, Britannica, Common Sense Education, iCivics, Merriam Webster and National Geographic.

Communities will organize based on subjects taught, curriculum and teacher interest.

Functionality for Kahoot Academy, including availability in other languages than English, will be rolled out gradually from June 2020 and into the new school year.

"Some of the biggest challenges we educators face is the lack of time, resources and the ability to connect with peers to share knowledge and materials," said Linda Sees, history department chair at Roselle Catholic High School in New Jersey. "I am so excited to be one of the early educators to become a part of what is the first global community and knowledge resource for teachers that puts us front and center."

About the Author

Dian Schaffhauser is a former senior contributing editor for 1105 Media's education publications THE Journal, Campus Technology and Spaces4Learning.
