THE Journal Magazine: October 2013

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  • Our Space: Editorial director Therese Mageau declares that the opposition to Common Core is misinformed and dangerous.
  • Here & Now: Broadband comes up short in schools
  • Product Roundup: New tablets and more
  • Innovator: Cinnamon Holsclaw teaches science by letting her students pick the topic.

September 2013 | vol. 42 no. 8

2013 Sylvia Charp Award Winner
With forward-thinking leaders who put learning first, Rowan-Salisbury School System has gone from lagging behind the times to training students for the 21st century workforce.
5 Tech Tools for the Next Generation Science Standards
An education futurist shares his favorite software and hardware to help teach the NGSS.
No Disability Left Behind?
As online learning explodes in K-12 education, technology for students with physical differences is playing catch-up.
Legal Issues in IT
State laws leave little room for error when it comes to securing student information. Fortunately, beefing up security policies does more than safeguard students.
Smart IT
Sustainable technology strategies can shrink both your school system’s carbon footprint and its energy bills.
Full STEAM Ahead
Adding the arts to a STEM curriculum engages students who might otherwise have been left behind.
Reading on an Android tablet?
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An app is in currently in development for Android tablets/phones.