CD-i Web Browser is "Child-Proof"

Philips Media Systems is releasing a classroom version of its television-based Internet browser. The set-top browser, due for release this fall, will complement the Philips School 2000 K-12 multimedia curriculum program on CD-i that was launched earlier this year.
The CD-i browser enables educators to do popular Internet activities including Web surfing, e-mail and posting to news groups. At the same time, the product's "child proofing" feature provides teachers a mechanism to block out certain sections of the Internet they deem inappropriate for students.
The School 2000 Internet Browser easily connects to a phone line and television monitor. Included in the package are a CD-i player with a standard modem, proprietary software and the custom CD-i browser. Philips also intends to include a three-month local Internet access subscription. Schools that currently have a CD-i player equipped with a digital video cartridge will be able to purchase an upgrade package. Philips Media Systems, West Des Moines, IA, (800) 265-8086,

This article originally appeared in the 08/01/1996 issue of THE Journal.
