Learn How to Administer NT 4.x

Learning Windows NT 4.x is a complete video training course for learning how to use and administer the latest release of NT.

In addition to basic skills, one learns administrative topics including networking, backups, printer setup, security and Internet-related issues.

The course comes in three modules: NT Workstation User, NT Server/Workstation Installation and Administration, and Server Administration and NT Enterprise Server. Modules are available for purchase separately, or bundled together at a reduced price.

Complete course outlines for Learning Windows NT 4.x are available by visiting the firmís Web site or calling their toll-free number. Training on Video, Santa Cruz, CA, (800) 408-8649, www.trainonvideo.com.

Write 813 on Inquiry Card

This article originally appeared in the 05/01/1997 issue of THE Journal.
