Are You a 'Smart Classroom' and/or eLearning Guru?

Campus Technology is looking for short opinion pieces (500-800 words) for this e-letter, from experts in the areas of Smart Classroom technology (presentation, display, and related) and eLearning (including CMS/LMS, online collaboration, and online and remote learning programs). We are seeking those individuals with broad and varied experience in the technology decision-making process, implementation, and teaching/learning challenges and benefits that surround the technology use. We are seeking opinion pieces on current or timely topics only; controversial matters are welcome.

Campus IT and educational technology professionals are welcome to contribute, as are higher education technology consultants.

All contributions accepted for publication will carry the author's byline and will be reimbursed with a $150 stipend after an invoice is requested and submitted. We offer no stipend for unpublished pieces, and reserve the right to edit accepted articles. Contributors may submit and be published multiple times.

Contributors to this e-letter will not only reach the large audience of Campus Technology e-letter readers and website visitors (and maybe even develop a following!), but may also be considered to author columns and/or features for the flagship print publication, with freelance (not stipend) remuneration.

Send your opinion pieces (or proposals) to: Dave Nagel, Executive Editor, Web, [email protected].
