Drill Down: Mobile Devices in Education

Our Special Section on mobile learning ("From Zero to Wireless," "An App For That... and That... and That," and "Why Mobile Is a Must") takes a look at what many expect will be the next revolution in education. As educators continue to weigh the many considerations attached to allowing student-owned handheld devices on campus, Speak Up asked parents what good they think the use of mobile technologies would have on their children's education.


  • Parents see the use of mobile technologies in schools as a means of increasing student engagement (43 percent) and preparing students for the working world (41 percent).
  • The most often-cited instructional benefit is mobile devices' ability to extend learning beyond school hours.
  • Only 12 percent see no significant educational benefit to mobile devices.

What do you think would be the primary benefits of using mobile devices in education?

(Multiple responses allowed.)
Drilldown (click for larger image)
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Drill Down - Speak UpData courtesy of Speak Up 2009. Speak Up is an annual national research project that surveys K-12 students, teachers, parents, and administrators. Speak Up is produced by Project Tomorrow, a national nonprofit organization providing leadership, research, and programming to support science, math, and technology education in America's schools. To participate in Speak Up 2010, visit here.
