Texas District Deploys New Comm. System

The San Benito Independent School District in Texas is deploying Incite's Conversational Media system at its 21 campuses and administrative buildings to improve internal communications and learning opportunities for students. The system offers a new array of teaching tools including dial-up videoconferencing, dial-up access to motion picture-quality movie clips, and easy Internet access -- all from PCs in classrooms, libraries and offices. Conversational Media is part of a larger project the district has undertaken to reduce communications costs and improve network performance and features. Chand Taneja, technology coordinator, expects the new network to pay for itself due to an anticipated $25,000 to $30,000 in monthly savings. Systems will be installed initially in the libraries of each school and on the desktops of key administrators, with expansions planned for other locations as more funds become available. Requiring only a simple upgrade of hubs and servers, Conversational Media can be deployed in any LAN or PBX environment to extend collaborative multimedia features and service throughout an enterprise network and across a WAN. Incite, Dallas, TX, (800) 9-INCITE, www.incite.com.
