Civil War Videodiscs Based on Documentary

 The Civil War Educatorís Enhanced PBS VIDEOdisc, based on the landmark documentary series by Ken Burns, gives teachers a way to make history instruction more active and relevant for students.

As instructors combine scenes from the documentary with other instructional resources on the discs, students can explore history through primary source materials and come to think critically about what they are viewing and how it impacts their lives today.

The package includes a Teacherís Planning Guide with 11 theme-based multimedia lessons, assignments and barcoded indexes; Lesson Builders, consisting of reusable peel-and-stick barcodes and lesson planning templates; an additional Archive of over 300 extra video and audio resources; three double-sided CAV Level-I video discs; and a free abridged version of The Civil War in videotape. PBS Video, Alexandria, VA, (800) 344-3337,

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