Sun Servers Target High-End Tasks

The new line of Sun Ultra HPC servers address the needs of educators involved with compute-intensive tasks that in the past required expensive and proprietary supercomputers. The high-performance computing model suits fields such as fluid dynamics, logic and circuit simulation, seismic depth migration and statistical trend analysis.

Sun Ultra HPC systems utilize the Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) server architecture with a Uniform Memory Access (UMA) design. The product line comes in six different configurations from 800 Mflop/s to 32Gflop/s. The high-end HPC 10000 delivers more than double the performance of comparable servers from other vendors.

The operating environment features LSF (Load Sharing Facility), a standard that gives administrators an easier way to schedule, balance and track compute resource allocation and consumption across networks. In addition, the Sun Performance Workshop software suite includes debuggers, data visualizers and other tools for developing parallelized applications.

Servers can be clustered together using standard Sun networking technology such as SunFastEthernet or SunATM. Sun Microsystems, Mountain View, CA, (800) 821-4643,

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