Internet-Based Broadcasting Includes Distance Learning

E.N.E.N. (Education, News & Entertainment Network) is an Internet broadcasting service that can deliver presentations, live distance learning classes and more.
Various services are offered, including NetSeminar, which allows institutions to feature vocal and chat interactivity between speakers and participants in live, Internet-based presentations. During presentations, E.N.E.N. conducts real-time audience reporting, letting instructors know which students are attending.

NetPresentation is a "streamlined" version of NetSeminar, designed for presentations without live interaction. Audience members can access archived audio and visual presentations on demand. And NetInterview, another service, uses audio feed and still digital photography to broadcast live interviews. All that is required to participate in any of these services is a standard browser with RealAudio, global Chat and Adobe Acrobat installed. E.N.E.N. also offers real-time transcription for hearing-imparied individuals. E.N.E.N., San Diego, CA, (619) 627-4161,
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