Oracle Previews Java SE 7 for Mac OS X, Unveils Java SE Roadmap

Oracle is releasing a technology preview of Java SE 7 on Mac OS X and said it plans to release Java SE 7 on Mac OS X for developers in the second quarter of 2012 and a consumer version later that year.

JDK 7 for Mac OS X Developer Preview is available at

Oracle also announced its plans for the next version of Java SE (version 8), which the company will release in the summer of 2013. As part of JDK 8, the prototype reference implementation of Java SE 8, Oracle is working to merge the Oracle Java HotSpot Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and the Oracle JRockit JVM into a converged JVM, the first version of which was included in JDK 7 and featured improved manageability and heap-based metadata storage. Oracle said it will complete its HotSpot/JRockit JVM convergence project as part of JDK 8. The fully converged JVM will feature performance enhancements and a second-generation Java Flight Recorder.

Proposed features of JDK 8 include:

  • Lambda expressions, also known as closures, to help make use of multi-core CPUs and to enhance bulk data processing through the Java collections APIs;
  • A Java-native module system called Project Jigsaw, which simplifies application development and deployment while enabling a fully modular Java platform for customized deployments on servers, clients, and embedded systems;
  • JavaScript improvements on the JVM, including Nashorn, a brand new JavaScript engine optimized for the JVM, and full interoperability between Java and JavaScript;
  • A next-generation Java Client in the form of JavaFX 3.0; and
  • Support for multi-touch devices.

The OpenJDK Community hosts the development of Java SE 7 on Mac OS X and JDK 8. Oracle, as well as other companies, researchers, and individuals contribute to the OpenJDK Community.

About the Author

Leila Meyer is a technology writer based in British Columbia. She can be reached at [email protected].
