Blackboard is re-branding its open source learning management system. The LMS formerly known as Moodlerooms will now be called Blackboard Open LMS. The company said it's also "accelerating investment and development of the product."
In the wake of news of its split from Moodle, Blackboard has reaffirmed its commitment to its Moodle-based Software-as-a-Service product and the open source community.
In 2016, OER (Open Education Resources) are undergoing a major transformation: rather than educators needing to struggle with searching OER repositories containing millions of OER objects and then trying to stitch together those OER objects into coherent lessons, organizations such as Open Up Resources are producing curriculum-scale, OER-based courses. Finally, OER is coming of age!
Eight months after introducing the concept of the "learner positioning system" (LPS), Digital Promise Global has launched an alpha site to serve as a testing ground for this research-based personalized learning initiative.
There is always a new new thing in technology. In contrast, in K-12, at the heart of the classroom is — and will be for the foreseeable future — the old old thing: curriculum. But, where is that curriculum, the fuel for the 1-to-1 classroom, going to come from? From the new new thing, of course – as we argue in this week’s blog post.
Christine Voelker teaches other teachers how to build their own online courses. She’s the K–12 program director for Quality Matters, a nonprofit educational organization based in Annapolis, MD. She'll be presenting an all-day workshop at ISTE Sunday, June 25.
A newly launched online toolkit is making data on schools in Florida (and beyond) easy to find and interpret through the use of interactive data visualization tools.
The agreement with Atlantis Charter School is the first of its kind for the "Blended Learning Open Source Science or Math Studies" or BLOSSOMS program. While other schools have used BLOSSOMS on an ad hoc basis, the latest arrangement will include professional development starting this month for teachers to help them improve their STEM instructional practices.
ClassFlow, the free, next-generation lesson delivery software, has partnered with four digital content developers to provide teachers with expanded access to the latest innovative, immersive and interactive educational content.
A recent study found that students who comment more on massive open online courses (MOOCs) are more likely to complete the course than those who do not comment.