Online Lesson Follows Columbus' Voyage

ColumbusQuest, Classroom Connect's fall 2002 online subscription-based learning adventure, will empower K-12 students to explore the cultures and traditions of the modern and historic Caribbean. In the process, students will be able to come to their own conclusions about Christopher Columbus' legacy.

Together with Classroom Connect's Quest Expedition Team, students will retrace the explorer's route through the Bahamas and on to Cuba. They will explore the group of Bahama Islands that Columbus and his crew first saw, learning about the environment and climate as they receive daily reports in English and Spanish from a team of explorers, archeologists and scientists. Students will also investigate the mystery concerning the true identity of San Salvador, the island where Columbus landed. In addition, the Quest team is planning to visit one of Columbus' possible landing sites in celebration of Columbus Day.

The Quest team's advanced satellite modem technology will provide a daily cyber presence in the classroom. It will also give students the ability to access daily video, audio and text reports; vote on the direction of the team's travel; analyze competing theories about the sea route Columbus followed; and learn important problem-solving and decision-making skills. The student explorers will work with the Quest Expedition Team through Classroom Connect's The Quest Channel Web site, Classroom Connect, Brisbane, CA, (800) 638-1639,

This article originally appeared in the 06/01/2002 issue of THE Journal.
