Girls Who Code Debuts App
A national nonprofit organization that works to close the gender gap in technology by equipping girls with computer science skills is out with a new app. Girls Who Code (GWC), in partnership with mobile app designer Small Planet, launched Girls Who Code Loop, available on iOS and Android for free.
The app’s name comes from the computer science concept of a “loop,” which tells a computer to repeat a sequence of instructions. Girls Who Code Loop was created to help the “sisterhood of students and alumni stay in the loop and support each other,” according to a GWC blog post. Users can submit posts and comment about coding, college, jobs and internships on the app, or post with a “raised hand” emoticon to receive help from the community. It is only available for current GWC students and alumni age 13 or older, as well as GWC teachers and facilitators.
“Girls Who Code will reach 40,000 girls by the end of the academic year, and one thing we’ve learned in the process is that community matters. Girls need community and support from their peers to maintain and persist in computer science,” said Reshma Saujani, GWC founder and CEO, in the blog post. “In fact, social encouragement and female role models are two of the most important factors influencing a girl’s decision to pursue computer science. With Girls Who Code Loop, we’re providing a platform for our girls to build connections and encourage each other to pursue a future in computer science.”
To learn more, watch the following video.
About the Author
Sri Ravipati is Web producer for THE Journal and Campus Technology. She can be reached at [email protected].