Learning.com Enhances its Digital Literacy Curriculum
Learning.com has enhanced EasyTech, its digital literacy curriculum designed to help students develop technology skills while they study core subjects.
The updated EasyTech for Next-Generation Assessments solution will give pre-tests to check for technology skills that students need to take the PARCC, Smarter Balanced and ACT Aspire assessments, and will then prescribe EasyTech lessons based on individual students’ results. The new EasyTech lessons focus on online safety, mobile devices, cloud computing and word-processing.
Other updates include 11 new lessons and enhancements to more than half of the current lessons. Additional EasyTech content, including games and quizzes, will be accessible in the Learning.com app, which is available for iPad, Android and Kindle Fire tablet devices. All updates and new content will be ready for the 2014‐15 school year.
About the Author
Christopher Piehler is the former editor-in-chief of THE Journal.