SW Helps One Manage Macintosh Networks

Mac Manager provides a Copland (System 8)-style interface with desktop security, accountability, personal folder management with disk quota, e-mail, network management tools, screen saver with screen lock, hard drive encryption and virus protection &emdash; all in one package.

The software's interface emulates Finder, providing many of the features of Copland while still running System 6 or System 7. Users can set custom desktop styles such as 3-D, Hi-Tech or Kids, and can perform multiple simultaneous file-copy operations.

The program can control a user's daily time, printer pages, inserting of floppy disks and ejecting of CDs. A detailed log tracks all user activity, including time on applications, and a hard disk encryption utility restricts all access if booting from another System disk.

Site license editions support and take full advantage of all Macintosh networks and include Net Manager to control all networked computers from a single workstation. Network tools included are: shutdown, restart, launch, quit, copy, delete, mount, unmount, empty trash, set clock, lock keyboard, login, logoff and much more.

Mac Manager is compatible with System 6.0.5-7.5 and accelerated for the Power Mac. ELS, Inc., Gainesville, FL, (800) 443-7971, www.elsinc.com/~elstech. M
