University, Publisher Advance Scholarly Communication

The California Digital Library and Berkeley Electronic Press are partnering to advance innovations in scholarly communication. California Digital Library will make a suite of e-publishing tools from the Berkeley Electronic Press available to University of California researchers. The tools enable rapid and low-cost creation, management and online publication of e-journals, discussion paper series and other electronic forms of scholarship.

The partnership is an important development for the library's eScholarship program, which supports scholar-led innovations in online dissemination of research from the University of California and beyond. The program is actively supporting new electronic publications and services for environmental science and international studies, among other research. The newly forged partnership will extend new capabilities to the above and additional fields. For example, the Berkeley Electronic Press technology will allow multiple "e-print" repositories in the social sciences to be created and integrated, thereby supporting the emergence of a primary source of information for students and researchers in either a specific or a broad-based academic discipline. California Digital Library, Oakland, CA,

This article originally appeared in the 04/01/2002 issue of THE Journal.
