Ron Mardigian Memorial Biotechnology Explorer Award

Win $1,750 in prizes

Available Funds/Award: $1,000 toward The NSTA National Conference and Bio-Rad products valued at $750.

Opens: Sept. 26, 2013

Proposals Due: Nov. 30, 2013

Final Applications Due: Nov. 30, 2013

Recurring? Annually

Granting Organization: NSTA

Description: The NSTA “The Ron Mardigian Memorial Biotechnology Explorer Award will recognize and reward an outstanding high school teacher who has made biotechnology learning accessible to the classroom. “

Requirements: Fill out an application, complete a narrative, submit a resume, and show a sample research project.

Eligibility: Teachers of grades 9-12 who have at least two years of experience with biotechnology in the classroom.

Application Link:

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