Curriculum Focuses on Real-Life Issues
Exploring The Real World -- Secondary, from EBSCO, is a unique curriculum for grades 8 to 12 that provides a year's worth of challenging activities with a life skills focus. The series utilizes 292 carefully chosen articles from EBSCO's MAS FullTEXT Elite CD-ROM (required to use the program), and focuses on curriculum integration and real-life problem solving. Forty student activities such as We Are What We Eat, Recycle and Reuse, and Living on the Street pique students' interest in very visible, modern day issues and encourage participation. Each activity incorporates various curricula, helping students find a certain "angle" or "take" on an issue -- interesting all students, not just those who have an intrinsic interest in the topic of study. The series follows the recommendations of the Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS), which seeks to better prepare students for the workplace and community. EBSCO Curriculum Materials, Chelsea, AL, (800) 633-8623, MD
This article originally appeared in the 08/01/1996 issue of THE Journal.