Video Editing Sys. Is An Edit&endash;Suite&endash;in&endash;a&endash;Box

With the addition of any VCR and video monitor, the Video Editor"s Toolbox (VET) becomes a complete video post production system handling video editing and special effects, character generation and audio mixing and editing.

VET is a high–;end online quality, non–;linear digital video editing system able to mix unlimited layers of video and unlimited channels of audio while maintaining first–;generation video quality. It comes complete with 2D and 3D DVE, digital audio editor and enough storage for at least 24 minutes of D2–;quality video and 90 minutes of CD–;quality audio.

Two versions are available: the 133MHz Pentium VET and, four times faster, the 275MHz Alpha VET. Appropriate Multimedia Equipment, Salt Lake City, UT, (801) 533–;0096.
