Technology Brings Web Pages "Alive"

Shockwave for Director transforms static Web pages into high-impact, interactive multimedia productions, complete with graphics, sound and movie animation. Anyone with Macromedia Director 4.0 can create a "shocked" movie for the Internet; simply compress the movie using Shockwave's Afterburner tool and upload it to the Web page. With a compatible Web browser, users can download and play the movie on their desktop. Netscape, Microsoft, Silicon Graphics and others already have adopted the Shockwave technology for integration into their Internet browsers, authoring tools and/or related products. "By working with Macromedia's Shockwave for Director, we are greatly expanding the capabilities for communicating over the Internet by providing users with richer media and more compelling means of expression," says Marc Andreessen, founder and vice president of technology for Netscape Communications. Visitors to Macromedia's Web site ( can find documentation, sample movies, technical support and chat areas dedicated to Shockwave. Macromedia, San Francisco, CA, (800) 326-2128. WM
