Firms to Co-Develop Video-Based Lessons
Optical Data and Harcourt Brace School Publishers are co-developing a multi-volume series of video- enhanced, activity-based lessons that explore varied topics in elementary social studies. Titled Visual Experiences: Social Studies, the product will be released in videodisc format this month and in videotape format later this year. Both companies will distribute the product.
The heart of each lesson is a video segment that gives students a meaningful, personal account of the topic. The video serves as a catalyst for activities that promote higher-order thinking skills and integrate other subjects. Lessons can be completed in a single class or extended over several days as projects.

Visual Experiences supplements the content of STORIES IN TIME, Harcourt Brace's social studies program for grades K-6. Optical Data is a leading publisher of education videodiscs including KinderVentures, Windows on Science, Windows on Math and The Living Textbook. Optical Data School Media, Atlanta, GA, (800) 524-2481,