Geography Experts Supply Global Views

National Geographic offers some interesting CD-ROM titles for grade school, most available in lab packs.

GeoBee is an entertaining way to learn world geography, bringing the excitement of the National Geography Bee right into the classroom. BuzzBee, an animated character, leads players through the game, morphing into different personalities and providing entertainment. The CD contains over 3,000 of the questions used in the National Geography Bee.

Another title, Mammals: A Multimedia Encyclopedia, teaches with video clips from National Geographic TV specials, narrated picture tours of different types of mammals, plus games and adventures. A comprehensive Lesson Guide is included.

Picture Atlas of the World, a third geography title, puts high-resolution maps of every nation at students' fingertips. Music, audio clips of languages, essays, vital statistics and up-to-date data make researching fun and easy. National Geographic Society, Washington, DC, (800) 368-2728, WMD
