Take Part in Historic Flight Around the World

"You Can Soar" lets students take part in one of this decadeís most daring events ó the recreation of Amelia Earhartís 1937 attempted flight around the world. The expedition begins on March 17, when veteran pilot Linda Finch takes off from Oakland, Calif. in a restored Lockheed Electra 10E, the same model plane as Earhartís.

During the flight, expected to take 2.5 months, Finch will "touch down" in several U.S. cities to meet with students. The World Flight Web site (worldflight.org/ youcansoar) will allow one to follow the flight in real time, access actual weather forecasts, read Finchís pilot log messages and view digital postcards.

Inquiry-based activities in a printed Teacherís Package cover a variety of subject matter including social studies/geography, science, math and language arts. The package also contains a world map, background pages, reproducible handouts, an age-appropriate reading list, take-home activities card, list of aviation museums and profiles of touchdown sites.

In addition, a half-hour videotape, titled "Heroines of the Sky," gives a behind-the-scenes look at the restoration and planning that went into World Flight 1997. Teacherís Packages sell for the cost of production and mailing, $19.95. World Flight, Inc., San Antonio, TX, (800) 297-SOAR.
