Package Guides Lesson Planning
Curriculum Orchestrator effectively correlates academic standards with instructional materials through a software engine that sorts, selects and presents only those resources that are relevant to classroom lessons.
The new version includes the National Science Education Standards and curriculum standards from 10 states. In addition, schools can also add their own frameworks or objectives.
For example, a biology teacher preparing a week-long unit on photosynthesis might consult the appropriate standards for her grade level, then discover that she neglected to think about activities on respiration.

The resource database covers textbooks, videotapes, videodiscs, software, Internet sites and resource kits from leading publishers. A matching process called Smart Select indicates exactly which resources would be appropriate for an upcoming lesson.
Teachers even may set up a yearly calendar complete with courses, recesses, appointments and vacations. A Report Generator facilitates the sharing of lessons with colleagues or parents.
Curriculum Orchestrator comes as a single unit, lab set or school and district licenses. MediaSeek Technologies, Bellingham, WA, (800) 372-3277,
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