Lightspan Acquires Global Schoolhouse and Expands Internet Resources

Lightspan Partnership, Inc. aims to expand Internet-based activities through its acquisition of the Global Schoolhouse Web site. Proceeds from this purchase will serve as an endowment for the non-profit Global SchoolNet Foundation. "The Foundation will be able to provide grants to teachers for expanding classroomuse of the Internet," said Yvonne Marie Andres, co-founder of Global choolhouse and a new vice president of Lightspan. In addition to funding Global Schoolhouse, Lightspan will assume responsibility for the many activities promoted on the Web site such as CyberFair, CU-Schools Videoconferencing and Internet Projects Registry. Lightspan Partnership, Inc., San Diego, CA, (888) 4 ALL KIDS,

This article originally appeared in the 11/01/1999 issue of THE Journal.
