Submit Your News About K–12 Admin, Ed Tech New Hires & Promotions
Complete a Short Form to Get Your News Published
- By Kristal Kuykendall
- 05/05/22
THE Journal invites submissions about new hires and promotions among ed tech industry management and K–12 public school administration in the United States.
Our new feature, called “People on the Move,” will publish several times a month and will include items about “movers and shakers” among K–12 school administrators, nonprofits serving K–12 schools, and ed tech providers serving the K–12 sector in the United States.
Contributed news items will be published regularly on; the archives can be accessed at any time at
A formal news release is not necessary to get an item published in People on the Move — though they are welcome, too; email news releases to [email protected].
Anyone may submit news items about new leadership and management changes at K–12 ed tech companies and at nonprofits in the K–12 ed tech space by completing the form at
To submit news about new hires and promotions among K–12 public schools administration, complete the form at
About the Author
Kristal Kuykendall is editor, 1105 Media Education Group. She can
be reached at [email protected].