Cover Story: Mobile Apps
Kids Create Their Own
Project Tomorrow’s annual Speak Up survey asked students from
kindergarten through the 12th grade a simple question: “If you
could create the ideal mobile app for learning, what would it look like?”
Administrative Tools
District CIOs: Apps I Have Loved
Mobile apps are as indispensable to district IT executives as they are becoming in the classroom —for professional and personal reasons — and everybody seems to have their favorites. By Dian Schaffhauser
IP Security
Surveillance Jumps on the Network
Many school district security officials are weighing the pros and cons of
moving from analog to IP when it comes to their surveillance systems.
It’s a significant step, and there are some things to think about first. By David Raths
- Our Space: TCO of the Best and the Brightest
- Here & Now
- Expert Perspective: Combating Teacher Burnou
- Learning Tools: 3D in the K-12 Classroom
- Curriculum Update: Livescribe and Math
- Product Focus: Netbooks
- Index
- Profile
NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2011 | Volume 38, No. 10 | 44 Pages