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THE Journal Magazine: September 2014

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  • Our Space: From Phone Bans to BYOD
  • Here & Now: Phablets outsell laptops
  • Product Roundup: New interactive whiteboard apps
  • Innovator: Todd Nesloney, Principal, Navasota Intermediate School (TX)

September 2014 | vol. 42 no. 8

Are Cell Phone Bans Worth the Trouble?
While many districts see personal mobile devices purely as distractions, other educators are embracing their potential as learning tools.
7 Hands-On Projects That Use 3D Printers
Our expert takes you beyond the wow factor to explore how 3D printing can help teach a range of subjects.
4 Keys to Designing the Classroom of the Future
Forget about rows of desks pointed at a whiteboard. Mobile technology is reshaping teaching and learning.
3 Lessons American Districts Can Learn From Foreign Schools
As countries around the world take innovative approaches to technology, U.S. educators can adopt these best practices from their colleagues in Singapore, Mexico and Japan.
5 Ways to Make the Most of the New E-Rate
As funding is phased out for some technologies and increased for others, here’s how you can get more of what you need.
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An app is in currently in development for Android tablets/phones.