Financing Option Offers Shortcut to Info. Hwy.

The Holland Township School District is among the first to benefit from an innovative financing program to help link public K-12 schools to the information highway. Offered by AT&T Capital Corp. as an alternative to long-term bond issues, the financing program is a tax-exempt lease/purchase plan. It is one of the few that lets qualified school districts lease building wiring systems and high-tech equipment and related software. Holland Township SD used the financing program to lease AT&T Network Systems' SYSTIMAX structured cabling system, an AT&T Merlin Legend telephone system, plus a satellite dish, video equipment, computers, software and training for teachers and students. The financing program includes custom lease terms and payment structures that match the equipment's useful life with an appropriate lease duration. It will cover non-AT&T equipment as well. AT&T Capital Corp., Ph'enix, AZ, (800) 527-9876, ext. 3576.

This article originally appeared in the 12/01/1995 issue of THE Journal.
