MM Notebooks Are Pentium Powerhouses
Z–;Note GT and Z–;Note MX are two new Pentium–;based note–;books that offer some innovative features.
The Z–;Note GT is aimed at the high–;end user and features an 11.3–;inch SVGA TFT display and optional internal MPEG card. Well suited for presentations, this multimedia system has standard NTSC/PAL TV video output so users can directly display images or presentations via TVs or video projectors without needing an optional card.
Z–;Note GTs are available in several configurations including 75 or 90 MHz Pentium processors, 810MB or 1.3GB IDE hard drives and 8MB RAM. PCI local–;bus architecture, 256K cache, 1MB video DRAM and video graphics accelerator, 2X CD–;ROM, Sound Blaster Pro–;compatible sound, serial infrared lens port with Puma"s TranXit Infrared File Transfer Software pre–;installed and much more is standard.
Z–;Note MX offers Pentium performance at a lower entry price; all come standard with a 75MHz Pentium processor, 8MB RAM, touch–;sensitive AccuPad, sound and built–;in stereo speakers.
Both Z–;Note GTs and MXs come with Windows 95–;optimized keyboards and either Windows 95 or Windows for Workgroups software suites. Zenith Data Systems, Buffalo Grove, IL, (800) 533–;0331,