Students Role-Play As Old-World Explorers

Geography Search, a program that allows students in grades 5-9 to learn about geography and early exploration, is now available for Windows.

The program creates a dynamic educational environment in which students can teach and challenge each other as they sharpen their skills in geography, reading, math, critical thinking and teamwork.

Specific content includes latitude and longitude, Earth rotation and seasons, global wind and weather patterns, and also covers issues in early navigation and the history of exploration.

Students are placed into teams and become crew members on ships that race each other to the New World. Each student has specific duties and all work together as a cooperative crew; without collaboration they will be unable to reach new lands. Each crew gets a set of logbooks where they can keep their observations and report their progress.

Geography Search includes a Teacher's Guide with detailed lesson plans, 28 student books and reproducible worksheets. Tom Snyder Productions, Watertown, MA, (617) 926-6000.
