Track Students' Career Goals & Aspirations

Student InfoTracker, developed for and by school- to-work coordinators, vo-tech directors and school counselors, is a student career monitoring system that incorporates the school-based learning, work-based learning and connecting activities elements required in a School-To-Work program.

The program allows the monitoring of students' skills competencies, career paths, work history and employment criteria, and enables instant access to student career aspirations and academic data from a desktop computer.

Student InfoTracker also monitors tech-prep objectives, including preferences for institutions and college majors, and enables administrators to match up students who qualify for scholarships, grants or job opportunities.

The program also includes StarMail, which meets all school-to-work Connecting Activities requirements and enables communication via electronic mail with employer-industry partners, school district personnel and admissions departments at colleges and technical schools. Stardata, Inc., Atlanta, GA, (800) 999-9782.
