Utility Searches Online Databases
SmartSearch performs online database searching on over 100 of the world's best research databases using the Knowledge Index, an exclusive gateway service of CompuServe. These databases cover everything from business and law to medicine and science.
With the utility, users develop their search strategy offline, entering concepts, specifying the maximum number of selections to be received, etc. -- reducing online time charges.
The key to SmartSearch is Fuzzy Logic, which automatically evaluates records and sorts them by relevance to the subject. Screen prompts contain all necessary information from the Knowledge Index search manuals.
The program even maintains a log of time charges, prohibiting additional logons if one's budget limit is exceeded. A multi-level security system protects CompuServe passwords. SearchWare, Inc., Calabasas, CA, (818) 222-4325. W
This article originally appeared in the 03/01/1996 issue of THE Journal.