Job Series Helps Students w/Careers
Two new work-readiness software series are designed to assist high school students looking for jobs. The Job Readiness Series consists of four programs to familiarize students with the elements of a successful job search. For instance, Job Attitudes: Assessment and Improvement discusses attitudes appropriate to most employment situations. Resumes Made Easy explains the different parts of the resume and why resumes are necessary. Two other components cover interviewing and filling out job applications. And Job Success Series, the other new series, comprises four programs designed to make students more comfortable on their job. Topics include: First Days, Your Personal Habits, Your Work Habits and Looking Good. The series helps employees get along with each other and teaches punctuality, hygiene and other essentials. Purchase options include individual, lab packs, site licenses and special prices for a full series. Lawrence Productions, Inc., Galesburg, MI, (800) 421-4157. WM