Videos Help One Access the Internet World Walk

Connecting to and Using the Internet are new training videos from The Video Journal that help teachers, students and families quickly go online. The videos show painless methods for setting up computers for Internet and Web access. "Viewers can learn how to surf the Web, send and receive email, use mailing lists, read news groups, chat and more," said Chet D. Linton, Vice President of The Video Journal. "Video training is ideal for individuals and families who want to learn on their own time or can't afford to attend conferences or bring in a consultant." Lee Phillips and Ron Spears, nationally known Internet experts, are presenters on the videos, showing viewers how to bring a wealth of information to personal computers through the Web, Gopher, telnet, FTP, and Wide Area Information Servers (WAIS). The Video Journal of Education, Salt Lake City, UT, (800) 572-1153,
