SIS Has Immediate Info Via HotKey
STARS (Student Tracking and Reporting System) Program is a student information system that "conveniently eliminates the use of bulky files and folders by consolidating student data into one simple system," according to a STAR system user in the Chicago Public Schools System. "With a touch of the hot button, detailed information can be accessed instantaneously." The SIS provides personal and demographic information; current class schedules; detail and summary attendance information; current and prior semester grades; detail and summary misconduct information; and a current picture of the student. "We are convinced that the STARS System can make immediate contributions toward the efficiency and flexibility of any school's administration," said Ralph Jones, Masai Management vice president of technology. Masai Management Group, Inc., Chicago, IL, (800) 793-3969,
This article originally appeared in the 09/01/1996 issue of THE Journal.