Proxima's New Bundle Serves Trainers Well

Training staff are always looking for "complete solutions" for their presentation needs. Proxima now offers an interesting one. Their new Digital Flipchart bundle teams one of the firm's multimedia projectors with special software from Tegrity, a video camera and capture card, and an optional document camera.

What this enables is a way for educators to capture and save records of anything they project from their computer. This includes notes taken during a lecture, original paper documents as well as any annotations, anything written over projected computer images in "electronic ink," video files, PowerPoint-type presentations, and more. Each is saved as a page in that day's lecture file.

All captured information can be distributed via print, e-mail, fax or by posting it to the teacher's or school's Web page.

The software in the Digital Flipchart system projects virtual control buttons onto any surface, like a whiteboard, which can then be used by presenters to control the computer. Buttons can be tailored and "wizards" help one to create forms to be projected.

Proxima projectors suited for the Digital Flipchart system include their new fold-up Lightbook mobile projector and their DP models 4100, 4200, 5500 and 5600. Proxima Corp., San Diego, CA, (800) 447-7692,
