Historical Reference CD Integrates Writing Tool
World History Interactive Library is a CD-ROM packed with comprehensive, authoritative content. This includes over 450 complete text sources; 60 minutes of archival speech and video; 1,000+ etchings, paintings and photographs; plus hotlinks (via Internet access) to 1,700 history-related Web sites.
With text sources from Facts on File, government archives and leading publishers such as Oxford University Press and HarperCollins, this reference tool suits libraries as well as personal collections. The program boasts an instant MARC records update feature, providing seamless integration into existing OPACs.
Included is ThynxWriter, an advanced writing tool that helps students research and write papers. ThynxWriter also assists students in formatting papers to either MLA or APA styles. Thynx, Inc., Princeton, NJ, (800) 828-4766, www.thynx.com. WM
This article originally appeared in the 01/01/1997 issue of THE Journal.