Internet SW Supports Latest Technology
Corel offers a complete family of products that help design, create and publish Web pages. CorelWEB.DESIGNER requires no HTML experience to create Web pages.
The package includes CorelWEB.GALLERY, which features over 7,500 Internet-ready clip art images in GIF or JPEG format -- backgrounds, arrows, icons, banners, bullets, buttons, etc.
CorelWEB.DATA, another title, is a powerful 32-bit database publishing package that lets one create online catalogs, phone lists, stock reports and more. It will seamlessly link documents using hypertext hotlinks and is compatible with all Internet browsers.
Internet Mania, still another package, combines eight utilities for the Internet. Included are Web Page Update Notifier, Lycos Web Search, Web Catalog, NewsScan, Corel FTP, Personal Web Server, Home Page Author and QuoteScan.
Also offered is WEB.GRAPHICS SUITE. This gathers CorelWEB. GALLERY and CorelWEB. DESIGNER into one package and adds CorelWEB.MOVE, an animation title that supports formats such as JAVA and animated GIFs; CorelWEB.WORLD, which includes over 100 pre- designed virtual reality models; and CorelWEB.DRAW. Corel Corp., Ottawa, Canada, (800) 728- 8200, W