
Tokai Schoolnet Society, a teacher's group in Japan, has a home page ( that lists Japanese schools interested in joining CU-SeeMe discussions ...

Beginning in January 97, educators can log onto Headbone Interactive's site ( and get five weeks' worth of interdisciplinary curriculum at no charge; dubbed Netscapade, the program invites kids in grades 4-8 to compete with teams around the world for the chance to win a laptop computer and other prizes ...

For didacta '97, the International Trade Fair for Education and Training to be held in Germany this February, a Web site ( will offer product information from didacta '97 exhibitors ...

In Focus Systems' site ( provides expanded technical support for their line of multimedia projection products, including "quick start" guides, technical bulletins and direct communication with staff ...

Sponsord by Troll Communications, Planet Troll ( boasts a 3D, VRML-based "haunted house" where visitors can interact with others; an online bookstore, searchable by age and subject, accepts orders for various children's titles ...

Digital Studios' CyberLearning Collection site ( now offers Task Force Online Investigations, college-level projects that encourage students to solve real-life environmental problems using resources on the Web; participants may post their findings in the Town Hall and ask questions of an expert panel ...

The Technical Industries site ( links to information on audio-visual products suitable for a range of educational applications ...

The Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) lets one locate museums, aquariums, zoos, planetariums and other science attractions (
