Simplify Research Via Comton's New Titles

Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia 1997 provides easy access to high-quality, up-to-date information including more than 37,000 articles, numerous videos, animations, slideshows and maps. This new edition also features monthly updates, direct Web site links and a more powerful search engine.

Also new is the Planetarium, an astronomy feature that allows students to view maps of the night sky at any place on the globe at any time of the year. Star names, constellation shapes and boundaries, and astronomical phenomena like galaxies, nebulas and planets are all listed and, in some cases, linked to corresponding articles.

Another new release, Compton's Interactive World Atlas, is designed with features that make it a multipurpose reference tool for all ages. The program has 280+ political maps, 150+ elevation maps and 158 satellite maps, plus extensive reference materials. Compton's New Media, Inc., Fremont, CA, (800) 227-5609. W
