Chemistry Web Site Is Free Till June 30
Peregrine Publishers has launched The Chemistry Place, a subscription-based educational Web site designed to help high school and college teachers and students effectively use the Web in introductory chemistry courses.
The Chemistry Place ó located at ó has been designed by leading chemistry educators to help instructors easily integrate Web-based investigative learning activities and interactive tutorials into their classes, while giving students access to the latest chemistry research and appropriate Web resources.

The Chemistry Placeís content areas include: Learning Activities, with tutorials, projects and more; Best of the Web, a links page; Toolkit, a central resource with software, plug-ins and other vital tools; Chemistry in Your Life, explaining the relevance of key chemistry concepts; Research News, with brief synopses of important research developments; Teaching Resources, including tips and techniques; Scientific American Connection; Members Forum; and a Weekly Riddle area.
Several subscription options are available for The Chemistry Place,
and anyone can visit the site and use all of its resources for free until June 30, 1997. Peregrine Publishers, Inc., Wakefield, MA, (617) 224-0888,
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