Premises-Based DL System Scores High

Using Latitude's MeetingPlace, a customer-premises conference server, Rio Salado College in Arizona is able to offer distance learning classes by leveraging its existing telecommunications infrastructure including phone, fax, e-mail and the Internet.
Unlike other conferencing solutions such as conference service bureaus, internal audio conferencing bridges and video conferencing systems, MeetingPlace works with an institution's present tools, facilitating the conference scheduling process by notifying participants, distributing meeting materials, managing the conference, and recording and archiving the meeting and related materials for future access via the Internet or by telephone.
MeetingPlace WebPublisher allows an institution with MeetingPlace to schedule classes, access class materials and listen to recordings over the Web. Students benefit by being able to access missed classes that have been archived on the Web. "Latitude had the best solution for our distance learning conferencing needs," said Ed Kelty, coordinator of IS services at Rio Salado. Latitude Communications, Santa Clara, CA, (800) 999-7440,
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