Creating and Distributing Surveys Made Easy
Scantron has introduced eListen, an electronic data collection tool that lets you create powerful surveys in minutes. These surveys can then be administered by Internet, Intranet, e-mail, diskette or paper. It automatically tabulates and analyzes results, and also creates powerful graphic reports supporting your recommendations.
Survey-building functions of eListen include: the ability to open multiple surveys; cut, copy and paste functions; the ability to easily add questions, pictures and to insert pages; online help; drag and drop questions; as well as support for multiple backgrounds. Once the survey is designed, it can be rapidly deployed through the World Wide Web, Intranet, network or e-mail. Answers are automatically collected and stored in eListen's open database or in a custom database of the user's choice. Scantron Technologies, Tustin, CA, (800) 722-6876,
This article originally appeared in the 08/01/1999 issue of THE Journal.